1. Hot off the press 最新消息
Come and look at this! This is totally hot off the press. 快過來看,這是剛出爐的最新消息。
2. Blow hot and cold 忽冷忽熱(在2種極端的表現之間變動)
She blows hot and cold one day to the next, so I can never tell how she really feels. 她每天的情緒變化太大,一下冷一下熱的,我永遠不知道她真正的感覺是什麼。
3. Strike while the iron is hot 打鐵趁熱
You should strike while the iron’s hot. It’s a precious opportunity. 你應該要打鐵趁熱,這是很難得的機會。
4. Get into / Be in hot water 完蛋/闖禍了
Kevin went drinking with his colleagues last night and forgot that it was his wedding anniversary. As a result, when he got home, he was in hot water with his wife. Kevin忘了昨天是他的結婚紀念日,晚上下班後還跟同事去小酌,所以回家後他必須面對老婆的怒氣。
5. I’ve had more…..than you’ve had hot dinners. 我有的經驗比你豐富
I’ve had more internet stalkers than you’ve had hot dinners. 身為一個youtuber,我被肉搜的次數一定比你多。
6. Hot under the collar 開始激動(通常是生氣或尷尬)
Calm down. Don’t get hot under the collar. 冷靜,不要太激動。
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