



1. to feel/be as fit as a fiddle 覺得很健康、很有朝氣

2. to be a picture of health 代表你是個健康的好例子
My friend was struggling with an illness, but now she is a picture of health. 我朋友之前在與疾病奮鬥,但現在她非常健康。

3. to have a splitting headache 頭痛到要裂開了

4. to be/look/feel under the weather 覺得不太舒服

5. to take a turn for the worse 變得更嚴重
I had a cold, and I took a turn for the worse so I had to go to the hospital. 我原本只是小感冒,但越來越嚴重後只好去看醫生。

6. to take the turn for the better 變好了 (前一個的反義,但較少用)

7. to be black and blue 全身很多瘀青

8. to take a tumble 跌倒
I’ve taken a tumble and I’m black and blue. 我跌倒了,所以全身都是瘀青。

9. to go under the knife 進行手術(也可以指整形手術)
I had a really sore leg, but I went under the knife. 我的腿之前很痛,但我做完手術了。

10. to be on your last legs 僅剩一絲氣息、行將就木

11. to pop your clogs 去逝

12. to be hanging on the thread 跟10一樣,表示已經在死亡邊緣,好像只剩一條線維繫著生命

13. to look like death warmed up 氣色非常差