大家有搭上最近的世足熱嗎?Anna當然也有在關心足球,一起來看看有那些跟足球有關的片語吧! (*以下例句都只是舉例,不代表實際情況)
1. Back of the net 進球
It’s up to the keeper now….no it’s beyond the keeper. England has buried that ball in the back of the net. What a goal! 現在要看守門員反應了,噢不對,球越過守門員了!英國隊成功踢進一球!
2. Get stuck in! 專心、有熱忱的踢球!
Come on, get stuck in! 拜託,快點進入狀況吧!
3. A howler! 守門員犯基本錯誤,導致對方進球
What a howler! He is gonna be very disappointed with that. 他怎麼會犯這種錯,他會對自己非常失望的。
4. Man on! 對方球員在你身後(叫你快傳球的意思)
5. It’s a game of two halves. 比賽還在上半場,還有很多變數
Brazil were 3-1 up in the first half, but France dominated in the second half, bringing it down to a penalty shoot-out. It really has been a game of two halves. 巴西在上半場以3比1領先法國,但法國在下半場表現突出,最後必須以PK戰分出輸贏。這真是一場充滿變數的比賽。
6. They/We were robbed! 比賽輸了,但感覺不公平(可能是判球、對方小動作、或純粹運氣差)
Germany were robbed tonight all because of a very bad decision! When the referee sees the playback, he is going to kick himself. 德國隊竟然因為誤判而輸了,那名裁判事後在看重播時一定會覺得慚愧。
7. What a save! (守門員)救的好啊!
8. Squeaky bum time. 緊張時刻(只能用在輕鬆的情境,如果是家人住院你很緊張,就不能用)
They are neck and neck as we enter the final five minutes of the match, squeaky bum time. 兩隊在比賽結束前5分鐘打平,接下來才真正是讓人緊張的時刻啊!
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