常常覺得背一堆單字,但看到片語就沒轍嗎?這邊Anna要來講解一些很簡單,生活中也很常見的片語,有些片語有不只一個意思喔! (到影片約50分鐘的地方)
1. Dropping in 順路去
I was thinking of dropping in at the office on my way to the airport. 我在想要不要順路去一趟公司再到機場。
2. Drop off 睡著、接送(人、物)
I sat down for a few minutes and instantly dropped off. 我才剛坐下幾分鐘就開始打瞌睡了。
My father is dropping me off at the airport this afternoon. 今天下午我爸會載我去機場。
3. Cut off 剪掉一部分、切斷供應、停止聯繫
The hairdresser cut all my hair off. 理髮師把我的頭髮全剪光了。
The blood supply to the arm was cut off for a few minutes during the operation. 在手術時,手臂的血管有暫時被堵住,切斷鮮血的供應。
As you haven’t paid your telephone bill, we will be cutting you off at the end of the month. 因為你還沒繳電話費,我們將會於這個月底將你的手機停話。
4. Come across 碰巧發現、你在別人的印象裡是如何
While I was moving all the boxes from the attic, I came across these old photos. 當我在整理閣樓的箱子時,我找到了一些舊照片。
You come across as a cold, ruthless woman, but now that I have spent some time with you, I know that is not true. 人們大多認為你是個冷酷無情的女人,但經過今天的相處,我發現大家都想錯了。
5. Fill up 將某東西裝滿
I filled the car up a few days ago. 我前幾天已經將汽車的油加滿了。
I can’t eat another mouthful. I am completely full up. 我連一口都吃不下了,我已經超級撐了。
Can you please fill up the empty boxes before putting them in storage? 可以請你將空箱子都裝滿再放到儲藏室嗎?
6. Go ahead 繼續、往前走
I am too busy to join you right now, but please go ahead without me. 我現在太忙可能無法幫你,但你可以繼續做沒關係。
Your dad can’t walk very fast, so you go ahead. 你爸爸沒辦法走太快,所以你先往前走吧。
7. Hang on 等一下、撐住(不要放手)
I will find out for you, please hang on. 我會幫你找的,請稍等一下。
Don’t let go! Hang on and I will come to your rescue. 不要放手!撐住,我會找救兵來的。
8. Hold on 等一下、抓著
Please hold on for a moment and I will let your teacher know that you have arrived. 請稍等一下,我會跟你的老師說你已經到了。
Hold on to my hand as we cross the road please. 過馬路時請抓著我的手。
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