英文片語| Blow away竟然有4種意思!5個跟blow有關的片語




1. Blow away

a. 開槍或爆炸殺人
Armed criminals should not be underestimated. They could easily blow you away if you are not careful. 不要輕忽持有武器的罪犯,他們能輕易開槍殺人。

b. 領先競爭對手一大截
The Spanish athlete had no trouble taking gold; she went from being the underdog to completely blowing all the other competitors away. 那位西班牙選手輕易就摘金,她從原本的落後一路超前到第一名,將其他選手遠遠拋在身後。

c. 非常佩服
Your voice blew me away. I didn’t know you could sing like that. 你的歌聲真的讓我非常驚豔,我從來不知道你有一副好歌喉。

d. 被風吹
Quick! The napkins are blowing away. 快點!餐巾紙都要被風吹走了。

2. Blow down 被風吹落/倒

During the storm, part of our fence was blown down. 那場暴風雨把我們家部分的圍牆給吹倒了。

3. Blow in 突然出現

She blew in to the office this morning, passed comment on a project I have been working on for months and disappeared as fast as she had arrived. 她今天早上突然出現在辦公室,對於我處理了好幾個月的案子給幾項建議後,又像一陣風一樣消失了。

4. Blow off 放屁

Don’t blow off in an elevator. It will be really embarrassing. 不要在電梯裡放屁,會很丟臉。

5. Blow sb/sth off

a. 爽約
That is the last time he is going to blow me off. 這是他最後一次放我鴿子了,我受夠了!

b. 忽略或讓某事變的不重要
The president’s spokeswomen blew the condemning evidence off as an alternative fact. 總統發言人將對總統不利的證據說成只是一點小事。