1. Bottle up 壓抑
Talking about your problems is much healthier than bottling things up. 把你的困擾說出來比悶在心裡健康多了。
2. Bottom out 崛起前的最低點
The economics experts believe that the recession has now bottomed out. 經濟學家認為整體經濟蕭條已經來到最低點。
3. Bounce back 康復/復原
He is very sick at the moment, but just you mark my words, he will bounce back from this in no time. 雖然他現在病的很嚴重,但相信我,他很快又會活蹦亂跳了。
4. Bounce off 集思廣益/提出想法討論
We have been bouncing some ideas off one other recently, trying to come up with a solid concept for the new building. 我們最近有一直在互相討論,想幫新大樓訂出一個可行的風格。
5. Bowl out 將對手趕出場外(板球)
India have won today’s match by bowling out the opposition. 印度隊在這場比賽中獲得壓倒性勝利,完全將對手逼到場外。
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