1. the birds and the bees 性教育
My parents refused to tell me about the birds and the bees. 我爸媽不想跟我談性方面的事。
2. to have ants in one’s pants 坐不住(太有活力)
3. to chicken out 因為害怕而退縮
I was going to jump off the cliff, but I chickened out. 我本來要從懸崖上跳下去,但我因為害怕而退縮了。
4. to clam up 突然不說話了
I asked him where he was last night, and he clammed up. 我問他昨晚去哪,但他突然就不說話了。
5. to hold one’s horses 耐心等/等一下,不要急
Hold your horses. If you want to go outside, you need to wear your coat. 不要急,如果你要出去,你要穿好大衣。
6. to be in the dog house 惹某人生氣
My dad came back from the pub very late last night, and now he’s in the dog house. 我爸昨天很晚才從酒吧回來,現在他要面對我媽的怒氣。
7. to kill two birds with one stone 一石二鳥
8. straight from the horse’s mouth 直接從當事人得知
Are you sure you’re right about that news? I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. 你確定這個消息是真的嗎?我直接聽當事人說的。
9. to smell a rat 覺得有鬼
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