1. to have a laugh 開玩笑
Are you having a laugh? 你在開玩笑嗎?
2. to have somebody on 說服別人某事,但其實是假的(整人)
Are you having me on? 你是不是在整我?
3. to have the last laugh 比之前傷害過你的人有成就
Anna was bullied for being a nerd at school, but she had the last laugh when she got the highest grades in the year. Anna在學校被同學霸凌、取笑為書呆子,但當她成為全學年第一名時,她給了其他人漂亮的回擊。
4. to have a sweet tooth 愛吃甜食
5. to have a bone to pick with someone 想跟某人談某個問題(通常是那個人做錯事或闖禍)
6. to have a change of heart 轉換態度(通常從負面轉正面)
7. to have a crack at something 嘗試做某事、輪到你嘗試做…
Would you mind taking my picture? I’ll have a crack at it. 可以請你幫我照相嗎? 我來試試。
8. to have a crush on someone 暗戀某人
9. to have a good command of something 對某事很在行
I have a good command of Spanish. 我有很好的西班牙語能力。
10. to have a good mind to do something 受誘惑想做某事(雖然你知道不應該)
例如:當你得知有人在你背後說你的八卦,你可能會說I have a good mind to confront her. 我很想直接找她問清楚。
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