



1. Positive 正面的

(1) Feeling well / good 感覺良好
(2) In the pink 非常健康
(3) In the best of health 健康狀況佳
(4) Full of beans 精神飽滿
(5) Full of the joys of spring 活潑愉快
(6) On top of the world 欣喜若狂

2. Negative 負面的 – physical 生理上

(1) Not feeling well 感覺不太好
(2) Feeling ill 感覺不舒服
(3) Sick 生病
(4) Tired 疲倦
(5) Worn out 筋疲力盡的
(6) Exhausted 筋疲力竭的
(7) Not in the best of health 健康狀況不佳
(8) Out of sorts 身體不適
(9) Under the weather 身體不舒服

3. Negative – mental health 心理上

(1) Not feeling myself 覺得不像平時的自己
(2) Losing it 失去理智
(3) Losing my grip 失控
(4) Out of my mind 神智不清
(5) Losing my mind 陷入瘋狂
(6) Going nuts 發瘋
(7) Worried 擔心
(8) Depressed 沮喪
(9) Anxious 焦慮
(10) In a state 處於激動或焦躁的情緒中
