

「在月亮之上」(over the moon)是什麼意思?「have a whale of a time」又跟鯨魚有什麼關聯呢?

English With Lucy的講師Lucy提出了五個和「喜悅、高興」的情緒有關的俚語,下次當你要向他人表達喜悅之情時,就不用再使用「happy」這個單字囉!

1. to be over the moon 狂喜

e.g. Last Thursday, I passed my driving test and I was over the moon.

2. to have a whale of a time 玩得非常愉快

= to have a fantastic time
e.g. I went to aboard on Saturday with a group of friends, and I had a whale of a time.

3. to be buzzing 非常興奮

= really excited about something
e.g. I just booked my tickets for Greeze, and I’m buzzing!

4. to be happy as Larry 非常開心

e.g. “Does John like his new job?” “Yes, he is happy as Larry.”

5. to be on top of the world 欣喜若狂

e.g. When I found out I graduated from university with a first-class degree, I was on top of the world. 當我發現我以第一名的成績從大學畢業時,我簡直欣喜若狂。
