“To take a toll on something”,這個片語並不像字面上花錢、付費之意,它幾乎可以用在所有「因為某事而造成負面影響」的情境中。那麼,該怎麼使用才正確呢?
Daily Video Vocabulary的英文老師列舉出了8個例句,相信看完之後稍作練習,你也能跟著運用自如。
在這個片語之中,”take”這個動詞,指的是接收負面影響的意思。比方說,你長時間處在高壓力的工作環境下,因為工作和期限的壓力讓你喘不過氣,可以這樣說” if you have been stressed over a long period of time,due to work pressure and meeting deadlines at work, they take a toll on you after a certain period.”
ex.01 Working on the computer for long hours daily, takes a toll on one’s eyesight.
ex.02 Working in a graveyard shift for a long time can take a toll on one’s health.
ex.03 Seeing her parents undergoing a divorce took a toll on the little Mary’s upbringing.
ex.04 Extensive exercising over the years has taken a toll on Kevin’s knees. He has to wear a knee cap now.
ex.05:Over consumption of alcohol over the years, takes a toll on the liver.
ex.06 Being insulted at work by her team leader took a toll on her confidence.
ex.07 After witnessing a road accident, it took a toll on Samantha’s mood and she couldn’t focus on her work the entire day.
ex.08 Heavy rains in the city took a toll on the schedule of all the airlines.
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