warm up/wrap up/chilly…中文意思是?英國冬天常用的5個英文片語!



在溫帶氣候的英國,每年冬天都會下大雪,也因此延伸出許多和冬天有關的片語動詞(Phrasal verbs)。

ETJ English的講師Elliott提出了五個和冬天相關的片語動詞與一個常用單字。或許台灣的冬天並不會下雪,但是這些片語仍然相當實用喔!

1. warm up

= to make yourself warmer 保暖

e.g. You can turn the radiator on to warm up. 你可以打開暖氣讓自己保暖。

2. wrap up

= wear lots of layers of clothes / to pack 穿很多件衣服、包裝

e.g. You can wrap up yourself in wintertime to keep warm. 你可以把自己裹得緊緊地來讓自己保暖。
e.g. Can you please wrap up the presents? 可以請你包裝這些禮物嗎?

3. be snowed in

= to be stuck in your house because it snowed so much 被大雪困在家中

e.g. I was snowed in, so I didn’t go to school yesterday. 我被大雪困在家中,所以我昨天沒有去學校。

4. die down

= the snow starts to melt 積雪融化

5. to come down (with something)

= get sick or feel sick 生病、感冒

e.g. I come down with a cold. 我感冒了。

6. chilly

= feel cold 覺得寒冷

e.g. It was a chilly winter day. 這是個寒冷的冬天。