


如果你想和外國人交朋友,當他問你今天過得如何,或每天都是怎麼過的,你該如何形容你的一天?Let’s Talk講師Rima要教你11個片語動詞,讓你應用到日常對話中。

1.Perk up(振作)

範例:I always start my day with a strong cup of coffee at 6a.m. which helps me to perk up.

2.Look through(瀏覽)

範例:I look through the newspaper headlines and then go outside.

3.Dash off(衝)

範例:I dash off to work at 8a.m. sharp.

4.Come up with(準備)

範例:I came up with a quick presentation for the upcoming meeting.

5.Heat up(使…熱)

範例:I heat up my lunch at 1 p.m. during lunch break.

6.Flesh out(詳細描述)

範例:I flesh out ideas for a new project after lunch break.

7.Wrap up(完成)

範例:I wind up work by about five p.m. and head home.

8.Stock up(積儲)

範例:I stock up on groceries for the week on my way home.

9.Warm up(熱身)

範例:I do a light warm up and then go for a short jog in the evening.

10.Meet up(聚會)

範例:I meet up with a few friends after dinner.

11.Doze off(就寢)

範例:At night I read a bit and doze off.
