


當無法預測的事情發生時,我們該如何用英文表達震驚(shocked)與驚訝?Let’s Talk講師Niharika表示,震驚有負面的意涵。如果遇到不好的事情,你卻說自己感到驚訝(surprised),很可能會失禮。



1. The news came as a complete shock
範例:His accident’s news came as a complete shock for the family(他發生事故的消息讓家人非常震驚).

2. We are completely taken aback
範例:I was taken aback, when I heard about John’s death(我聽到John的死訊時嚇了一跳).

3. I was just stunned
範例:I am just stunned with her behavior towards her husband(我對於她對她老公的行為感到錯愕).

4. It’s unbelievable
範例:It’s unbelievable that they got married at this age(很難相信他們在這年紀結婚).

5. Words can’t describe how I feel about this …
範例: Word’s can’t describe how I feel about this whole disaster(我無法用言語表達,我對這整個災難的感覺).

6. There is no way it could have happened
範例:How can she just marry someone else? There is no way it could have happened(這不可能發生).


1. It’s awful
2. What a terrible news
3. It’s a tragedy


1. To come to terms with
範例:It will take us a few months to come to terms with what’s happened in the city(我們需要幾個月的時間,慢慢習慣在這城市發生的事).

2. To give moral support
範例:We can only give the family some moral support(我們只能給予家屬精神上的支持).
