當你要啟程出發(set off)去旅行時,你的家人會到機場送你(see off)嗎?而如果你要進行長途飛行,你還需要轉機(stop over)!
English With Lucy的講師Lucy提出了五個和「旅行」有關的片語動詞(phrasal verbs),而所謂的片語動詞就是一個動詞加上一個介係詞,運用簡單的單字翻玩出各種變化!
1. set off
= to start of begin a journey 展開旅程
e.g. When I went to Barcelona, I set off at six o’clock in the morning.
2. to hold up
= to delay 延遲
e.g. There was a traffic jam which held us up for half an hour.
3. to see off
= to go to the place that someone is leaving from to say goodbye 送別某人
e.g. My dad came into departures to see me off.
4. to check in
= to arrive and register at a hotel or airport 報到、登記
e.g. At the airport, I had to check in my luggage at the desk.
5. to stop over
= to stop somewhere on the way to your final destination 中途停留
e.g. My final destination is Indonesia, but I might stop over in Italy.
- drop off, get in, check out … 8個旅行相關動詞短語(Phrasal Verbs)!
- 片語動詞 (Phrasal verbs)|take off、hold up、fill out、blow up
- 英文片語 stop by/ stop in/ stop away/ stop over..中文意思!
- 「set」字彙、片語,各式用法大合集!
- 你了解”hold”嗎?你該知道的7個跟hold有關的片語!
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- kick off、go over、go through …中文意思是?10個辦公室英文片語大彙整!
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