


在櫃檯(check-in counter)報到劃位,會拿到「登機證」(boarding pass),托運行李(check in your luggage)之後,就差不多可以準備登機。經過數小時的飛行終於抵達目的地,下飛機後首先就要到入境櫃檯(immigration counter)報到,在此之前必須先填妥「入出境卡」(arrival / departure card)以及「海關申報單」(customs declaration)。

入境審查窗口又有本國和外國人(foreigner / non-citizen/non-resident)之分,排隊前別忘了先看清楚標示。審查時要出示護照、入境卡、回程機票(return ticket),若有旅館訂房證明(hotel booking form)也不妨一同出示,以利快速通關。接著到行李提領處(baggage claim)提領行李,最後就是過海關(customs)。海關審查分成須申報(declare)及不須申報(nothing to declare)兩個窗口,記得通關時要出示海關申報單及護照,有時甚至還得將行李打開讓海關人員檢查。

Buying a Ticket 購買機票好用句

1 Can I change my return date? 我可以更改回程日期嗎?
2  Is there a fee for changing the return date? 更改回程日期需要額外收費嗎?
3  Could I change the destination? 我可以更改目的地嗎??
4  Can I change my one-way ticket to a round- trip ticket?
5  Do you have a direct ight? 你們有直航班機嗎?

 Check in 報到劃位好用句

1  I have an e-ticket. 我買的是電子機票。
2  Can I have a window seat/an aisle seat? 
3 What time does the flight (leave/ arrive)? 班機何時(起飛∕抵達)?
4  Can you put me on the next flight/on standby? 能把我放進下一班飛機∕候補名單嗎?
5  Excuse me, where is Gate 18? 不好意思,十八號登機門在哪裡?

Check in Luggage 

1  What’s the weight limit for checked bags? 托運行李限重多少?
2  How much is the extra baggage fee? 托運行李件數超過要怎麼計價?
3  I don’t have any luggage to check in. 我沒有行李要托運。
4  Can I take this as a carry-on? 這個可以當隨身行李嗎?
5  I have a fragile item. 我有易碎物品。

On the Plane 機上服務好用句

1 Could I have an extra pillow/blanket, please? 
2  Which channel is the movie on? 電影在哪一個頻道?
3  These headphones aren’t working. Can I have another pair? 這副耳機壞了,可以再給我一副嗎?
4  Do you have any vegetarian options? 你們有素食餐點可供選擇嗎?
5  Can I have a glass of water, please? 可以給我一杯水嗎?

Baggage Claim 提領行李好用句

1 Where is the baggage claim? 行李領取處在哪裡?
2  Which carousel will the luggage from Flight 220 be on? 二二○班機的行李會在哪一個轉盤??
3  One of my bags is missing. 我其中一件行李不見了。
4  I’d like to le a missing luggage report/lost luggage claim. 
5  What is your reimbursement policy? 你們的賠償條款為何?

Immigration 入境出關好用句

1  May I see your passport, please? 請出示你的護照。
2  What’s the purpose of your visit? 你這次造訪的目的是什麼?
3  How long will you be staying in the United States? 
4  Do you have anything to declare? 你有東西要申報嗎?
5  I’m sorry, but we can’t allow that in. You’ll 
have to leave it here. 

一生必去的美西都市:EZ TALK 總編嚴選特刊


photo credit: hpgruesen