

學習英文的過程中難免會犯些錯誤,這是必然的。但有趣的是,有時候我們寫作時明明文法是正確的,換成口說卻錯誤百出!Let’s talk的Emmelda老師整理出了我們說英文時常見的4個錯誤,並且舉出例句做說明。快來看看這篇文章,讓你的英語會話程度更加進步吧!

1. 在不必要的時候使用”to”

錯誤:ex. Tell to him that I want these books. (wrong)

ex. Could you please tell this to him that I love him ( Wrong)

ex. Can you this pen to him (Wrong)

正確:ex. Tell him that I want these books.

ex. Could you please tell him this that I love him.

ex. Can you pass him this pen.

2. Many v.s. Lot


ex. I have lots of dresses many of which are white in colour.


3. Put v.s. Keep


ex. I will keep this book for a week. 我會把這本書保留一個星期。

ex. Please put the book on the table. 請把書放在桌上。

4. Stative verbs(狀態動詞) v.s. Action Verbs(行為動詞)


錯誤:ex. I am loving it.

ex. I am feeling the heat.

正確: ex. I love it.

ex. I feel the heat.
