「經過、順道拜訪、短暫拜訪」英文怎麼說?go by/stop by/pass by 英文用法與英文例句解說!


要如何用英文表達你「經過」某個地方呢?跟「經過、順道拜訪、短暫拜訪」某地相關的英文片語有go by、pass by跟stop by。


1. go by 短暫拜訪

go by本身有短暫拜訪的意思。

例:My sister was not at home when I went by yesterday. 昨天我短暫拜訪時我姐不在家。

2.pass by 經過、短暫拜訪

pass by有經過的意思,而且通常指沒有停下來。

例1:A black car passed by when I looked out the window.當我往窗外看的時候,一輛黑色的車經過。

例2:My father was just passing by when he saw the car accident. 當我爸看到這場車禍時他剛好經過。

3.stop by 短暫拜訪、順道拜訪、順路拜訪

stop by 有順道拜訪的意思,stop by 後面會接某地、某處,stop by的重點在於「順道」,當我們說某人stop by的時候,通常代表他本來要去某個地方,因為剛好順路,所以順便去了另外一個地方。

例1:I’ll stop by the supermarket on my way home. 我回家會順道去一下超市。

例2:She Stopped by the convenience store on the way to the library. 她去圖書館路上去了一下便利商店。