


Let’s talk的Niharika老師整理出了範例,教你如何有禮貌又委婉地拒絕他人,並且演示了三種不同的情境,告訴你該怎麼表達才得體!快來看看這篇超實用的文章吧。

1. 當別人向你請求幫助,但你要委婉地拒絕:

I would love to help you, but …

I wish I could help you, but …

Normally I would be able to, but … or Normally I would say yes, but…

Unfortunately now is not a good time for me…


e.g I would love to help you, but I am really busy working on a presentation for work right now, so I am not free. 我很樂意幫助你,但我真的忙著準備明天工作的簡報,所以現在我沒有空。

e.g I wish I could help you, but I have a lot of work to do for a presentation I am making tomorrow. 我希望我能幫你,但是為了明天的簡報,我有很多工作要做。

2. 有禮貌地拒絕他人的提議:

I appreciate the offer, but …

That would be great, but ….

Thank you for the offer, but …


e.g That would be great, but just not tonight, because I am having drinks with my coworkers. 這很棒,只是今晚沒辦法,因為我要跟我的同事去小酌一番。

e.g Thank you for the offer, but I have plans already to have drinks with my coworkers. Why don’t you come and have drinks with us! 謝謝你的提議,但我已經計畫好要跟同事去喝一杯了,你何不來跟我們一起呢?

3. 有禮地拒絕他人的邀約:

That sounds great, but….

I really appreciate the invitation, but…

I wish I could come, but unfortunately …


e.g I’m sorry I can’t come that night. I have other plans already. 我很抱歉晚上我不能去,我已經有其他計畫了。

e.g I really appreciate the invitation, but I am not going to be able to make it this time. 真的很感謝邀約,但是我不能去。
