effect 和 affect 的差別,對你產生什麼「影響」?





1. Affect (v.) 影響、對……發生作用

To change someone / something

2. Effect (n.) 效果、作用、影響

A change happens because something else happened

3. 種類

(1) Physical 身體上的
e.g. Smoking affected the condition of his lungs. 吸菸影響到他的肺部狀況。
e.g. Smoking had a negative/adverse effect on his lungs. 吸菸對他的肺部產生負面影響。

(2) Mental 精神層面的
e.g. Staying up all night affected his concentration. 整晚熬夜影響了他的專注力。
e.g. Staying up all night had a strong effect on his concentration. 整晚熬夜對他的專注力產生負面影響。

(3) Psychological 心理層面的
e.g. Losing her grandmother affected the young child. 痛失祖母這件事大大影響了這個孩子。
e.g. The loss of her grandmother had a negative effect on the young child. 痛失祖母這件事對這個孩子產生負面影響。
