【 what 】英文用法大集合!What’s up? What’s cooking?….中文意思是?



What’s up? What’s cooking? whadayasay?,這些短語你知道是什麼意思嗎?

“ what ” 這個字可以創造很多語句,可以有很多不一樣的用法,《Let’s talk》講師 Michelle

在 Youtube 上列舉了「 what 」的11種短語用法,一起來看看吧!


1. What’s the catch?

catch 在這裡有 trap 陷阱的意思,表示有什麼意圖嗎?有什麼內幕嗎?

ex. 當你質疑對方說的話時,你可以說 : What’s the catch?


2. What’s the drill?

drill 在這有 procedure 程序的意思。

ex. I want to order a computer for our company, what’s the drill?



3. What do you say? 你覺得如何呢?

It sounds like whadayasay. 詢問對方的意見!

ex. I’m hitting the beach on Sunday, I’d love you to join me, what do you say?



4. What goes around, comes around.

在這指的是 karma 因果報應的意思。

ex. Hey, what goes around, comes around. I’ll come back with the revenge.



5. What do I owe you?

唸起來像是 Whadaiowya。

指的是 How much do I need to pay you? 我要付你多少錢?


6. What’s eating him?



ex. 當有人看起來很生氣.惱怒時,你可以說:What’s eating him?


7. What are you getting at?

= What are you driving at?

類似 What do you really want to say? 的意思,你想說的重點是什麼?

ex. 當你和對方聊天時,你可能不太明白他想表達什麼,這時候就可以說:What are you getting at?


8. What’s done is done. 事已至此,都已經發生了。


ex. Oh, I wish I had gone to that place on that day, but I’m so sad I couldn’t just go there.

you say : Hey, buddy, what’s done is done.


9. What’s with…? 怎麼回事?

ex. Hey, what’s with the copy machine? 這影印機怎麼了?


10. What’s the deal with?

deal 指的是進展.狀態。

ex. What’s the deal with the school project?



11. What’s cooking?

= what’s up? = what’s happening?

ex. What’s cooking between you and John?
