



1. Go out with someone/see someone 曖昧、和某人交往

2. Whirlwind romance 閃電式戀愛

3. To be set up 撮合

ex: Tom set up John with Marie. And John is very thankful to Tom.

Tom 撮合了 John 和 Marie。John 為此對 Tom 十分感激。

4. To be serious 認真的(以結婚為前提交往)

ex: John and Marie are both planning to marry, they are very serious about each other.

John 和 Marie 有計畫要結婚,他們對彼此是認真的。

5. To have chemistry / To hit it off 來電、投緣

ex: They have a great chemistry, because there has never been an awkward silence with them.


6. To break up with / To break it off 和……分手/結束

7. Stalker 跟蹤狂(死纏爛打的)

8. Long distance relationship 遠距離戀愛

9. To have a lot of baggage 情感包袱

ex: Cindy has a lot of baggage from her previous relationship.


10. On-again, off-again 分分合合


1. Baby/Bae 寶貝
2. My beloved/My significant other 我的摯愛
3. soul mate 靈魂伴侶