


Learn British English Free的講師Chris提出了「星期」與「月份」的稱呼,並且用許多例子幫助你記住該如何使用介係詞(preposition)去表達!

1. Days of the Week 星期

(1) Monday 星期一
(2) Tuesday 星期二
(3) Wednesday 星期三
(4) Thursday 星期四
(5) Friday 星期五
(6) Saturday 星期六
(7) Sunday 星期日
(8) Saturday and Sunday = the weekend 周末

2. Months 月份

(1) January 一月
(2) February 二月
(3) March 三月
(4) April 四月
(5) May 五月
(6) June 六月
(7) July 七月
(8) August 八月
(9) September 九月
(10) October 十月
(11) November 十一月
(12) December 十二月

3. Prepositions 如何使用介係詞

(1) Use “by” to describe a day or month that something has to be done by, is normally done by, or a point by which something was done:
e.g. You must do your homework by Friday. 你必須在周五完成你的作業。
e.g. You will know your exam results by August. 你會在八月知道你的考試成績。
e.g. I had forgotten about my New Year’s resolutions by February. 我在二月時就已經忘了我當初許的新年新希望。

(2) Use “on” to specify which day of the week an activity takes place on:
On + 星期
e.g. He will start his new job on Monday. 他會在星期一開始做新工作。
e.g. I go shopping on Saturdays. 我會在星期六時去逛街。
e.g. They went to the beach on Sunday. 他們星期天時去海邊。

(3) Use “in” to specify which month an activity takes place in:
In + 月份
e.g. The Christmas holidays are held in December. 聖誕節假期是在十二月。
e.g. We celebrate Easter in April. 我們在四月慶祝復活節。

(4) Use “at” to describe activities at the weekend:
At + the weekend
e.g. We went to the cinema at the weekend. 我們周末時去了影城。
e.g. I normally relax at the weekend. 我通常會在假日放鬆一下。

4. This / Next / Last Day or Month 這個/上個/下個 + 星期或月份

(1) Use “this” or “next” to indicate the nearest future named day or month:
e.g. Let’s watch the football this / next Monday. 我們這/下周一去看足球賽吧!
e.g. I’m going to London this Wednesday. 我這禮拜三要去倫敦。

(2) “Next” can also specify the day or month after the nearest future one:
e.g. I’ll graduate next July. 我下個七月就會畢業。

(3) Use “last” to specify the most recent named day or month in the past:
e.g. They broke up last Friday. 他們上周五分手了。
e.g. We moved into this house last April. 我們上個四月搬進這間房子。
