


Learn British English Free的講師Chris提出了見面時,用來問候對方的幾種方式及語句。雖然簡單,但適當地運用這些話語,能讓對方對你留下良好印象呢!

1. Introductions 見面問候

(1) Nice to meet you 很高興見到你。
(2) Good to meet you 見到你真好。
(3) Pleased to meet you 很開心能見到你。
(4) A pleasure to meet you 認識你是我的榮幸。
(5) (It’s) a pleasure 這是我的榮幸。
(6) How do you do? 你好嗎?
(7) What do you do? (What is your job?) 你在哪裡高就?

2. Shaking hands 握手的禮儀

We shake hands the first time we meet someone but not after. If you are meeting a friend, you do not shake their hand. Shaking hands is commonplace in other situations such as finishing a game of sport, like football.

3. Greetings 問候

(1) Formal:
a. Hello, How are you? 嗨,你好嗎?
b. Nice / good to see you again. 再次見到你真好!

(2) Informal
a. Hi, How’s it going? 嗨,最近過得怎樣?
b. What are you doing? 你最近在做甚麼?
c. What’s going on? 發生什麼事?
d. What’s new? 有甚麼新鮮事嗎?
