


1.(to) put all your eggs in one basket 孤注一擲

While my brother trained to be a professional footballer, he also studied a degree in engineering. Because my dad told him not to put all of his eggs in one basket.(我的哥哥訓練成為一個職業足球運動員時,同時他還攻讀工程學位。因為我爸爸告訴他不要把所有的雞蛋放在一個籃子裡。)

My uncle invested all of his savings into a company that went bankrupt. I don’t know why he put all of his eggs in one basket.(我叔叔把他的所有儲蓄都投入了一家破產的公司。我不知道為什麼他把所有的雞蛋放在一個籃子裡。)

2.(to) be in a pickle/(to) be in a bit of pickle

ex.1 We’re in a pickle… We’ve just locked the keys in the car.(我們陷入困境了…我們把鑰匙鎖在車裡。)
ex2. I promised to pick up my sister from the airport, but I’m still at work and I can’t leave yet! I’m in a bit of a pickle, can you help?(我答應從機場接我的姐姐,但我還在工作,還不能離開!你能幫助我嗎?)

3.(to) bite off more than (one) can chew

ex1.He’s been working back late every night this week tying to finish the project. I think he’s bitten off more than he can chew.(他這週晚上都在工作,為了完成這個項目。我想他力不從心。)

ex2. I’m so sorry! I haven’t got time to meet you for lunch today. I’m organising my sister’s surprise party, and I’ve bitten off more than I can chew! There’s so much to do!(我很抱歉!我今天沒有時間見你吃午飯。我計畫了我姐姐的驚喜聚會,力不從心!有這麼多的事情要做!)

4.(to) butter someone up

ex1. I know that Paul has a spare ticket to the concert. Perhaps if we butter him up, he might offer it to us!(我知道保羅有一張音樂會的票。如果我們巴結他,他也許會提供給我們!)

ex2. He’ll have to butter his boss up if he wants to take extra leave at Christmas.(如果他想在聖誕節額外休假,他就必須巴結他的老闆。)

5.in the nutshell

ex1. Well… It’s a complicated story, but in a nutshell, it’s about three astronauts who disappear for about thirty years before returning to earth with no memory of anything that had happened!(嗯…這是一個複雜的故事,但簡而言之,這是關於三個太空人,消失了大約三十年後,回到地球,卻沒有任何記憶!)

ex2. I don’t want to explain their whole history, but in a nutshell, they just wanted different things out of life.(我不想解釋他們的整個故事,但簡而言之,他們只是想要的生活不同。)
