

我們的生活跟金錢息息相關,要怎麼形容我很有錢,或我很節儉呢? Valen 在《engVid》影片中介紹了七個跟錢有關的英文片語,下次和別人談到錢,不妨試試以下這些片語吧!

1. Loaded有錢的

My uncle is loaded, so he always buys us awesome presents.

2. To make a killing賺很多錢

My sister made a killing working in the oil industry.

3. To make ends meet 使收支相抵

I lost my job and I’m having a hard time making ends meet.

如果無法make ends meet,代表you are not able to cover your expenses(花費)和bills(帳單)。

4. To live (from) hand to mouth 勉強餬口


Since I lose my job, I’ve had to live hand to mouth.

5. To pay an arm or a leg for something

如果你To pay an arm or a leg,代表那東西非常昂貴。

My new car cost me an arm and a leg, but I love it.

6. Pinch pennies 精打細算

Pinch pennies等於一個人很thrifty(節約、節儉)。

My grandma is a penny pincher.


My grandma pinches pennies.

7. Put in your two cents 給予意見

Put in your two cents其實不是說錢,而是給予、表達意見Give your opinion。

In my last meeting at work, I put in my two cents.


