新竹因為迎著台灣海峽吹來的風,故有「風城」(Windy City)之名。十八世紀時,移民(immigrant)以竹子作為城牆,故這座城當時名為「竹塹」,直到一八七五年才改名為我們現在熟知的名字「新竹」。
新竹的城隍廟(Hsinchu City God Temple)為全台最古老的城隍廟,也是台灣位階最高的。在城隍廟周邊有許多賣當地特產的小吃攤(food stall)。除了新竹米粉外,你還知道哪些當地美食(specialty)?一起來學習新竹美味小吃的英文吧!
Hsinchu is famous for its rice noodles, which are eaten fried with ground pork, and also in soup. 新竹以米粉聞名,可以與豬絞肉一起拌炒,也可以放在湯裡。
Pork ball soup flavored with Chinese celery and cilantro is also a Hsinchu specialty. 以芹菜和香菜來調味的貢丸湯也同樣是新竹的特產。
At Hsin Fu Chen Bakery next to the City God Temple, you can buy Chuchien cake, a round pastry stuffed with pork, green onions and winter melon. 你可以在城隍廟旁邊的新復珍餅店買到竹塹餅,它是一種包著豬肉、蔥和冬瓜的圓形糕點。
Another popular Hsinchu snack is black cat buns, which are Fuzhou-style steamed pork buns. 另一個受歡迎的新竹小吃是黑貓包,是一種福州式的豬肉蒸包。
At a noodle soup
A: Why is Hsinchu so famous for rice noodles?
B: Because the climate here is perfect for making them. Hsinchu’s nickname is the Windy City.
A: It is pretty windy here. But what does that have to do with noodle making?
B: The wind, along with the dry weather in the fall, helps the noodles dry quickly, which ensures the best quality.
A: 為什麼新竹的米粉這麼有名?
B: 因為這裡的氣候很適合做米粉。新竹的別稱叫「風城」。
A: 這裡的風是滿大的。但是這跟做米粉有什麼關係?
B: 風再加上秋季乾燥的天氣,有助於快速風乾米粉,確保米粉的優良品質。
celery (n.) 芹菜
cilantro (n.) 香菜
pastry (n.) 酥皮點心,糕點
bun (n.) 包子,小圓麵包
steam (v.) 蒸,煮
ensure (v.) 確保,保證
rice noodles 米粉
pork ball soup 貢丸湯
Chuchien cake 竹塹餅
black cat bun 黑貓包
本文取材自《台灣趴趴走Taiwan Follow Me:EZ TALK總編嚴選特刊》
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