艾瑪華森聯合國演講 Gender Equality Is Your Issue Too
We Need Your Help我們需要你們的幫忙 Today we are launching a campaign called LG HeForShe. I am reaching out to you because we need your hel…
We Need Your Help我們需要你們的幫忙 Today we are launching a campaign called LG HeForShe. I am reaching out to you because we need your hel…
會話情境一 急件準時到貨 Andy: Hi, Tom. I’m calling to see if you received the shipment on time. Tom: You mean the rush order? Andy: Yes. To…
恭喜(congrats、congratulations)英文怎麼說?下面各種情境、情況下的英文例句,教你如何用英文恭喜、祝賀別人。 1. 閨蜜秀出訂婚鑽戒時用英文說恭…
Social Marketing社會行銷 When I was a student here 17 years ago, I studied LG social marketing with professor Kash Rangan, and one of the m…
You Are Here for a Reason你存在的理由 Hello, class of 2015. I am so honored to be here today. I have to admit that today, even 12 years aft…
The Importance of Imagination 想像力的重要性 Now you might think that I chose my second theme, the importance of imagination, because of th…
百貨公司和購物網站紛紛賣起秋裝,而夏季的衣服則是舉辦換季特賣(end-of-season sale)出清存貨。不管你是想要趁著折扣(discount)便宜買明年夏天…
中、英文之異同 以往第一堂課筆者在自我介紹完畢後,一定會問學生兩個問題,就是:「你們覺得英文難不難學?」及 「你們認為中、英文有多少百分比的…