雅思與托福是英文檢定中難度較高的考試,其中單字量讓許多人望而生畏,畢竟要把單字牢牢記得不是件很簡單的任務。因此,英文老師 Alex 在 Engvid 上分享了10個在雅思與托福考試上常出現的形容詞,幫助學生更熟悉英文檢定考試的型態。
1. aware (adj.) 意識到的;知道的
e.g I was not aware of that fact.
2. crucial (adj.) 非常重要的
e.g Pronunciation is a crucial part of language.
3. flexible (adj.) 彈性的;會變通的
e.g Employers want employees who are flexible.
4. obvious (adj.) 明顯的
e.g It is obvious that a large population increases traffic.
5. prohibited (adj.) 禁止的
e.g Smoking is prohibited in most restaurants.
6. relevant (adj.) 相關的;有關聯的
e.g Your question is not relevant to this discussion.
7. reliable (adj.) 可靠的
e.g Everyone wants a reliable source of income.
8. secure (adj.) 安全的
e.g My city is secure.
9. significant (adj.) 重要的
e.g Landing on the moon is one of man’s most significant achievements.
10. visible (adj.) 可見的;看得見的
e.g There are numerous visible problems here.
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