

波特蘭(Portland)是奧勒岡州(Oregon)最大的城市,位於富饒的威拉米特谷(Willamette Valley)。波特蘭擁有自由的風氣,街道上到處都可看到蓄著鬍子的年輕人在騎自行車,讓它享有美國的文青之都(America’s hipster capital)美名。想知道波特蘭的文青怎麼吃嗎?一同來閱讀以下短文吧!

And what’s the best way to feed an army of hipsters? Food carts, of course. Portland boasts over 600 food carts, most of them in 40 “pods” scattered around the city. Representing every cuisine you could possibly think of—from Asian to African, Scandinavian to South American—Portland’s food carts are inspected for food safety, and often source their ingredients from organic farms outside the city. You’ll never be able to try them all, but a visit to the downtown Alder Street pod— the city’s largest, with over 60 carts—is a good introduction. Alder Street highlights include Thai chicken and rice at Nong’s Khao Man Gai, bahn mi at Huong’s Vietnamese Food and fish and chips at The Frying Scotsman.


All that food cart fare is enough to make any hipster thirsty, and luckily Portland is also the capital of hipsters’ favorite drink— craft beer. Portland has more breweries than any other city in the world, a result of a change in Oregon law in the 1980s that allowed small breweries to sell beer on site. Microbreweries and brewpubs began to appear all over the city, and with the availability of locally produced barley and hops, Portland has played a leading role in the craft beer movement. But beer isn’t the city’s only delicious brew. Portland is becoming as famous for coffee as its northern neighbor Seattle, and you’ll find a café on just about every corner. There’s nothing like a hot cup of single origin coffee on a cold, rainy Portland day!

餐車的餐點吃多了會讓文青口渴,幸運的是,波特蘭也是精釀啤酒之都,這是文青最喜愛的飲料。波特蘭的釀酒廠數量是全世界之最,這是因為奧勒岡州法律在1980 年代修訂過,准許小釀酒廠也能就地賣啤酒。於是微型釀酒廠和自釀啤酒吧開始出現在城市各地,加上有當地出產的大麥和啤酒花,波特蘭在精釀啤酒運動中扮演著主導角色。不過,啤酒不是波特蘭唯一美味的釀泡飲品。波特蘭咖啡的知名程度,已經漸漸與北方相鄰的西雅圖齊名了,幾乎每個街角都有咖啡店。在波特蘭陰冷的雨天裡,最適合來一杯熱騰騰的單品咖啡了!


pod (n.)(海豹、鯨等的)一小群(在此指一群餐車)
source (v.)(從特定來源)獲得(商品、零件)
fare (n.) 食物,伙食
brewery (n.) 釀酒廠(公司)(microbrewery 即「微型釀酒廠」)
on site (adv.) 就地,現場
brewpub (n.) 自行釀啤酒販售的酒吧
availability (n.) 方便取得的效益
brew (n.) 啤酒,沖泡出來的飲料


hipster 時髦客
hipster 是一種次文化標籤,這群人喜歡跳脫世俗思考模式,對於美有自己的一套見解,身上總是流出一股「我不在乎別人怎麼看我」的味道,崇尚不跟著潮流走的潮流。類似本地「文青(文藝青年)」以文化素養自我標榜,刻意特立獨行卻又有明顯的共通性。


本文取材自《開口吃遍USA 美國食用英語:EZ TALK 總編嚴選特刊(1書1MP3)》




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