「洗碗精」 英文怎麼說?洗碗/廚房英文單字與例句教學!

洗碗精 英文
洗碗精 英文

「洗碗精」 英文你知道怎麼說嗎?洗碗的英文可以叫做 wash dishes,wash 是洗的意思,而 dishes 則是碗盤的意思,加起來就是洗碗囉。

那麼「洗碗精」呢?既然洗碗的英文叫做 wash dishes,那麼洗碗精也很相似囉,「洗碗精」的英文可以叫做 dishwashing liquid 或是 dishwashing detergent,detergent 是洗潔劑的意思,前面就是 dishwashing 就變成洗碗精囉。



「洗碗精」的英文單字是 dishwashing liquid/detergent。下面整理一些英文例句。

  • I always make sure to use dishwashing liquid when washing dishes, because it helps to cut through grease and grime. (我總是確保使用洗碗精洗碗,因為它有助於切割油脂和污垢。)
  • I spilled some dishwashing detergent on the kitchen counter. Can you help me clean it up? (我在廚房檯子上溢出了一些洗碗精。你能幫我清理嗎?)
  • You should always follow the instructions on the dishwashing liquid bottle when using it. (使用洗碗精時,應該總是遵循瓶子上的說明。)
  • I prefer to use eco-friendly dishwashing detergents because they are better for the environment. (我更喜歡使用環保洗碗精,因為它們對環境更友好。)


「洗碗」的英文是 wash dishes。


  • I have to wash the dishes after dinner every night. (每晚飯後我都要洗碗。)
  • Can you help me wash the dishes? I have a lot of pots and pans to clean. (你能幫我洗碗嗎?我有很多鍋具和平底鍋要清洗。)
  • I don’t mind doing the dishes, but I hate drying them. (我不介意洗碗,但我討厭擦乾它們。)



  • Dishwashing (洗碗)
  • Dishcloth (抹布)
  • Sink (水槽)
  • Sponge (海綿)
  • Scrub brush (刷子)
  • Dish rack (碗碟架)
  • Dish drying rack (碗碟架)
  • Dish drain (放碗架)
  • Dish drainer (放碗架)
  • Dish drying mat (擦碗墊)
  • Dish drainer mat (擦碗墊)



  • Kitchen (廚房)
  • Stove (爐子)
  • Oven (烤箱)
  • Refrigerator (冰箱)
  • Microwave (微波爐)
  • Dishwasher (洗碗機)
  • Sink (水槽)
  • Counter (檯面)
  • Cabinets (櫥櫃)
  • Pantry (食品儲藏室)
  • Utensils (廚具)
  • Pots and pans (鍋具和平底鍋)
  • Knife set (刀具套裝)
  • Cutting board (切肉板)
  • Blender (攪拌機)
  • Toaster (烤麵包機)
  • Coffee maker (咖啡機)
  • Mixer (攪拌器)




Customer: Excuse me, do you have any dishwashing liquid?

Clerk: Yes, we have a variety of dishwashing liquids. Which brand are you looking for?

Customer: I’m not sure. Do you have any recommendations?

Clerk: Sure. We have a popular brand called “Sparkle” that is effective at cutting through grease and grime. It’s also gentle on hands.

Customer: That sounds good. I’ll take a bottle of that.

Clerk: Great. Would you like any other cleaning products?

Customer: No, that’s all for now. Thank you.



「洗碗精」的英文叫做 dishwashing liquid/detergent,而洗碗是。wash dishes,除了洗碗精/洗碗的英文單字之外,建議可以再將廚房相關英文單字都背下來唷。