



《mmmEnglish》講師 Emma 在 Youtube 上有詳細的做菜、下廚的英文教學,一起來下廚吧!


breakfast recipe – It’s called ‘poached eggs on toast’!




1. 2 fresh eggs 兩個新鮮的雞蛋

2. 1 liter of water 一公升水

3. 1 tablespoon of white vinegar 一湯匙白醋

4. a medium sized frypan 中型煎鍋

5. a spatula 鍋鏟

6. a stove 爐

7. some toast 烤麵包片.烤土司

8. butter 奶油

9. salt 鹽

10. pepper 胡椒粉



1. Light the stove. 點燃爐子

2. Put the frypan on the stove. 把煎鍋放在爐子上

3. Pour the water into the frypan. 將水倒入煎鍋中

4. Wait until the water is simmering… 等到水慢慢燒開

5. Add the vinegar to the water. 將醋加入水中

6. Stir with a spoon. 用湯勺攪拌

7. Crack the eggs into the pan, carefully. 小心地將雞蛋打入鍋中

8. Put the sliced bread toasted in a toaster! 將切片麵包放入烤麵包機

9. Spread some butter on the toast. 在吐司上塗上一些奶油

10. Carefully, lift the eggs out of the frypan. 小心地,將雞蛋從煎鍋中取出

11. Let the water drain away. 讓水流走

12. Put the egg on the toast. 把蛋放在吐司上

13. Let add salt and pepper to our eggs. 加入鹽和胡椒粉於蛋上

14. Cut our yolk open and see if we have a soft, runny egg yolk. 切開我們的蛋黃,看看是否有柔滑且流淌的蛋黃