條條大路通羅馬英文怎麼說?在英文中,「條條大路通羅馬」可以翻譯為 “all roads lead to Rome”,跟字面上的意思很像,意即不管通過哪一條路,最終都能到達羅馬。
條條大路通羅馬在中文裡面算是一句諺語,大家都耳熟能詳,而它的英文翻譯其實也很簡單,就是”all roads lead to Rome”。
如果你還不知道條條大路通羅馬的英文是什麼,或是什麼場合可以說”all roads lead to Rome”,可以參考本篇文章的教學。
條條大路通羅馬 英文
- A: “I’m trying to figure out the best way to get to Rome.”我正在想辦法找到去羅馬的最佳方式。
- B “It doesn’t really matter which route you take. All roads lead to Rome.”走哪條路並不重要。條條大路通羅馬。
- A: “I see. Thanks for the advice.” 我明白了。謝謝你的建議。
“People often say that all roads lead to Rome, but in reality, there are many paths that lead to different destinations.”人們常說條條大路通羅馬,但實際上,總有很多路通向不同的目的地。
“The ancient Romans believed that all roads lead to Rome because their empire was so vast and well-connected by roads. Even today, the saying is still used to imply that there are many ways to reach a certain goal.” 古羅馬人認為條條大路通羅馬,因為他們的帝國幅員遼闊,四通八達。即使在今天,這句話仍然被用來暗示有很多方法可以達到某個目標。