英文相似字| Altogether vs All together



英文中有很多拼法很像或音很像的相似字,今天Anna要來為大家講解的是連母語人士都容易混淆的Altogether與All together。

Altogether 全部、合計

If you have finished your shopping, then altogether that is 20 pounds please. 如果您已採購完畢,您的總額是20英鎊。

I am not altogether sure what time the event starts this evening. 我不完全確定今晚的活動幾點開始。

All together = with each other在一起

We always have a wonderful time when the family is all together. 當家人都聚在一起時,我們總是很開心。

If we put our money all together and count it, how much will we have altogether? 如果我們把錢放在一起算,總共會有多少呢?



Did you hear that they’re going to do away with private universities altogether? 你知道他們要將私立大學一併廢除嗎?

*do away with 將…廢除

Could all subscribers watch Anna’s live lesson all together? 所有的訂閱者能一起看Anna的直播嗎?

We are all together here with the same goals. 我們彼此在這都有相同的目標。

I wasn’t altogether happy about Mike staying over. 對於Mike在我家過夜,我不是很開心。

*stay over 留下來過夜



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