



ETJ English的講師Elliott便提出了在餐廳經常使用的會話,從打電話過去訂位、告知人數、點餐、詢問菜色內容到付款通通有,下次去國外的餐廳時就不會再支支吾吾啦!

1. booking a table

e.g. Hi, I would like to make a booking. 嗨,我想要訂位。
e.g. I would like to book a table for 8 p.m. 我想要訂晚上八點鐘的位子。
e.g. How many people is the table for? 請問有幾位呢?(接電話的餐廳服務生詢問)
e.g. A table for two, please. / It’s just me. 倆位,麻煩了。 / 只有我一個。

2. in the restaurant

e.g. Can I see the menu / wine list, please? 請問我可以看一下菜單/酒單嗎?
e.g. What is the dish of the day? 今天的特餐是甚麼?
e.g. What do you recommend? 你推薦什麼呢?
e.g. Does it have nuts in it? 這道菜裡面含有堅果類嗎?
e.g. I’m allergic to nuts. 我對堅果過敏。
e.g. What are the vegetarian options? 素食者有哪些選擇呢?
e.g. I’m a vegetarian. 我吃素。
e.g. Can I have the pasta? 我可以要一份義大利麵嗎?
e.g. I would like the pasta, please. 我想要一份義大利麵,麻煩了。

3. leaving

e.g. Can I have the bill, please?  我要結帳,麻煩了。
e.g. Can I pay, please? 我要結帳,麻煩了。