

alley cat 流浪貓(小巷貓咪)

a stray cat, a homeless cat. 流浪貓,無家可歸的貓。

It is hard to sleep at night when the alley cats outside my window fight and meow.

cat ice 薄冰(貓咪才能走的冰)

thin, unsafe ice. 薄薄的、不安全的冰。

Jamie told Ian that the river was not totally frozen yet and that there was only a thin layer of cat ice covering it. 傑米跟伊恩說那條河沒有完全結冰,上頭只覆蓋了一層薄薄的冰面。

catnap 小睡一下(貓咪的午覺)

a short or light sleep. 小睡或淺眠。

After school Nick likes to have a twenty-minute catnap before he begins his homework.

catwalk 伸展台(貓咪的走道)

a fashion show runway; a narrow walkway. 時裝展的伸展台;狹窄的走道。

The catwalk at this year’s fashion show was the longest ever!

cool cat 瀟灑哥/姐(酷貓)

someone who keeps up with the latest fashion trends.

Alex is a real cool cat. He is always wearing the most fashionable clothes.

Does the cat have your tongue? 說不出話來了?(貓咪抓了你的舌頭嗎?)

Why aren’t you talking? 你為什麼不說話了?

* This idiom is usually said when someone is silenced or unable to speak. The
question, “What’s the matter?” often precedes this idiom.

Synonym Cat got your tongue? 舌頭被貓咬了嗎?

When Allen became silent out of embarrassment, his sister said jokingly, “What’s the matter Allen? Does the cat have your tongue?” 艾倫因出糗而默不作聲時,他的妹妹開玩笑說道:「怎麼了,艾倫?貓咪抓了你的舌頭嗎?」

get one’s back up 使人不爽(讓某人的背部拱起)

to show anger or annoyance. 表現生氣或惱怒之情。

Why are you getting your back up? I am just trying to help you with your work.

grin like a Cheshire cat 笑容滿面(像柴郡貓咪般咧嘴大笑)

to display a broad smile in a self-satisfied way. 自我滿足地張口大笑。

After completing an impressive presentation for his out-of-town boss, John couldn’t help grinning like a Cheshire cat. 約翰為他外地的老闆做完精彩的簡報展示後,不禁滿意地咧嘴大笑。

The cat’s out of the bag 秘密已洩漏(貓咪逃出了袋子)

The secret is no longer a secret. 秘密已經不再是秘密了。

Well, it looks like the cat’s out of the bag. Everybody now knows that my girlfriend and I secretly became engaged last weekend. 唉,看起來有人說溜了嘴。現在每個人都知道我和我女友上週偷偷訂婚了。

Who will bell the cat? 挺身而出(給貓咪套上鈴鐺)

Who has enough courage to do a dangerous job?有足夠的勇氣進行危險的任務。

Someone has to tell the teacher that it was his son who vandalized the school bathroom, but who will bell the cat?



photo credit: pikabum



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