


當我們使用英文來討論未來的計劃時,如果不小心使用了錯誤的時態,可是會讓人曲解整句話的意思喔!Let’s talk的英文老師特地整理出了正確的用法及相關例句,並列舉了一些可以用來談論未來計畫的片語,讓你能夠正確的表達之餘,也讓字庫更加豐富。


ex. I’m thinking of going to Australia for my next holiday.

ex. We are planning to go for a movie this weekend.

ex. He is hoping to start his new venture by next month.

ex. I’m playing with the idea of buying a new car.


ex. We have decided to go to New York for this Christmas.

ex. We have settled on Spain for our next holiday.

ex. We have opted for the red car.

ex. I have booked this weekend with my friends.


1. I have got my heart set on……

ex. I have got my heart set on a cruise next year.

2. I have been dying to go to ……

ex. I have been dying to go to New York for Christmas.

3. It looks like ……

ex. It looks like I am getting married next month.

4. I’m torn between……

ex. I’m torn between Italy and France.
