【in which 用法】秒懂英文「in which」的用法!

in which 用法

in which 用法,在英文裡算是比較特殊的,它算是將原本在後面的in ,直接搬到前面來。in which 的英文用法,一開始如果你聽到類似的英文句子,可能不太習慣,但是用久了,就會變得很熟悉它了。

下面列舉出in which的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,趕快學起來吧!

1.in which 用法

In which 用法,可以理解成將 in 從後面的子句中搬到前面來,讓原本可能冗長的句子,變得很精簡。

in which相關英文例句解說:

例一:I saw a movie in which the villain goes to jail.

I saw a movie.
The villain goes to jail in the movie.
I saw a movie in which the villain goes to jail.

有發現嗎?用了in which ,這英文句子變得很精簡。

例二:You have 7 days in which you can cancel the contract and get your money back.


You have 7 days.
You can cancel the contract and get your money back in the 7 days.

上面這兩個句子相加,用了in which 的用法之後,就成了原句。
You have 7 days in which you can cancel the contract and get your money back.

看完上面這兩個例句,你應該已經明白了in which的用法了。其實就是原本兩個句子,我們用了in which 之後,可以讓原本第二個句子的in ,搬到前面來,讓句子變得更精簡。


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