People前面該接「most/most of」/「some/some of」/「a lot/a lot of」?三種英文文法常見錯誤!




1. First mistake

(1) Some Canadian people hate winter. 有些加拿大人討厭冬天。
正確→ Some Canadians hate winter.
(2) Many Brazilian people are learning English. 許多巴西人正在學習英文。
正確→ Many Brazilians are learning English.
(3) Muslim people fast during Ramadan. 穆斯林會在齋戒月時禁食。
正確→ Muslims fast during Ramadan.
(4) Christian people celebrate Easter. 基督徒會慶祝復活節。
正確→ Christians celebrate Easter.

2. Second mistake

(1) Most of people have cell phones these days. 大多數人最近都有手機。
正確→ Most people have cell phones these days.
(2) Some of people enjoy watching movies. 有些人很喜歡看電影。
正確→ Some people enjoy watching movies.
(3) A lot people study English. 許多人學習英文。
正確→ A lot of people study English.

3. Third Mistake

(1) Every people should get an education. 每個人都應該要接受教育。
正確→ Everybody/Everyone should get an education.
(2) All person need water to survive. 每個人都需要水才能存活。
正確→ All people need water to survive.
(3) People likes my cooking. 人們都喜歡我的廚藝。
正確→ People like my cooking.
(4) Everybody like my cooking. 每個人都喜歡我的廚藝。
正確→ Everybody likes my cooking.




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