
Harry Potter 哈利波特

Harry Potter is a series of novels and movies. J.K. Rowling is the author of Harry Potter. Harry Potter is also the main character’s name. He is a young wizard and he has two wizard friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. They are very friendly and polite.

Harry Potter’s parents died when he was a baby. After that, he lived with his cruel aunt and uncle. An evil man named Lord Voldemort killed his parents. The story is about Harry learning he is a wizard and his fights with Voldemort.

Harry goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn magic. Harry has a hard time at school. His classmates make fun of him and call him a ‘muggle.’ Harry is smart and brave, so he is not afraid. He has an owl and two brooms; he is not lonely.

Harry Potter is very popular. Everybody reads or watches Harry Potter. It is the most successful book series in history. If you have time, let Harry Potter take you to the world of magic.

《哈利波特》是一系列的小說和電影。J.K. 羅琳是 《哈利波特》的作者。哈利波特也是主角的名字。他是個年輕的巫師,他有兩個巫師朋友— 妙麗格蘭傑和榮恩・衛斯理。他們都很友善、有禮貌。



重要文法與句型 1


Harry Potter is a series of novels and movies.

英文裡的名詞會因為單數或複數而長得不同,中文就沒有這樣的差異。中文裡的「小說」,一部小說是「小說」,很多部小說還是「小說」;英文裡的 novel(小說), 一部小說是 a novel,很多部小說是 many novels !

所以看到字尾有 s 的字,就要先懷疑是不是名詞的複數。但是並非每個 s 結尾的字都是複數名詞,也並非不是 s 結尾的字就不是複數名詞喔!(我知道看到這裡,你應該覺得頭昏腦脹,沒關係,我們先不用把那麼龐大的名詞單複數規則都背起來,先知道「單數名詞字尾加 s 就成了複數名詞」這樣就好,下次在文章裡碰到其他單複數變形,我們再多記住其他規則就好!)

Superheroes 超級英雄

When superheroes are mentioned, most people think first of Superman. “The Man of Steel” first appeared in 1938 and was followed in later years by Superwoman, Batman, Spiderman and many others.

All superheroes have special abilities. These abilities can be truly superhuman, like Superman flying or seeing through walls. They can also be talents that the heroes perfect, like Spiderman’s ability to climb walls and shoot webs.

Most superheroes are only part-time heroes. That is, they also live ordinary lives. To keep people from knowing their secret identities, they wear costumes which are usually skin-tight and brightly colored.

一提到超級英雄,多數人首先會想到超人。這位「鋼鐵般的人」於 1938 年現世,女超人、蝙蝠俠、蜘蛛人等隨後接踵而至。



重要文法與句型 1



例 super(超級的)+ hero(英雄)= superhero 超級英雄
例 bat(蝙蝠) + man(人)= Batman 蝙蝠俠
例 part(部分的)+ time(時間)= part-time 兼職的


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