


Checking in at the Counter 在櫃檯報到

Passenger: Excuse me. Is this the check-in counter for American Airlines?

Attendant: Yes. May I see your identification and ticket, please?

Passenger: Here you go. And I have the check-in confirmation on my phone. I don’t have any luggage to check.

Attendant: OK. One moment while I print your boarding pass.

顧客: 不好意思,這裡是美國航空的報到櫃檯嗎?
服務員: 是的,請出示身分證明跟機票。
顧客 :在這裡。我的手機上有報到確認。我沒有行李要託運。
服務員: 好的,請稍等,我幫你列印登機證。

Common Phrases|購票劃位,你要會說

1. Is it possible to cancel the ticket? 可以取消機票嗎?
2. Can I change my return date? 我可以更改回程日期嗎?
3. Is there a fee for changing the return date?
4. I’d like to upgrade from Economy to Business Class.
5. I’d like to order a vegetarian meal. 我要預定素食餐。
6. Do you have a direct flight? 你們有直航班機?
7. Can I change my one-way ticket to a round-trip ticket?
8. Could I change the destination? 我可以更改目的地嗎?
9. Can my family and I sit together on the plane?
10. Can I have a window seat/an aisle seat?
Useful Pattern|選機位,就這樣說

I’d like___________ . (我想要___________。)

a window seat 靠窗座位
an aisle seat 靠走道座位
a seat near the back of the plane 飛機後段座位
a seat near the front of the plane 飛機前段座位
a seat with no one next to me 旁邊沒人的座位
a seat with more leg room 可伸腿的座位
a bulkhead seat 各機艙隔間的第一排座位

Baggage Claim 領行李

Passenger: Excuse me. Could you tell me where I can claim my luggage?
Attendant: Let’s see…you came in on Flight 271. Your bags will be on carousel three in the baggage claim area.
Passenger: Thanks. And how do I get there from here?
Attendant: Just take a left down that hallway and follow the signs. You can’t miss it.

乘客: 不好意思,可以告訴我要去哪領行李嗎?
服務員: 我看看……你是 271 班機,你的行李會在行李領取處的 3 號轉盤。
乘客: 謝謝。我要怎麼從這裡過去?
服務員: 左轉沿著走廊然後跟著指標走,你就會看到了。

Common Phrases|提領行李,你要會說

1. Where is the baggage claim? 行李領取處在哪?
2. Which carousel will the luggage from Flight 220 be on? 班機 220 的行李在哪一個轉盤?
3. Neither of my suitcases was on the carousel.我兩個行李箱都不在轉盤上。
4. One of my bags is missing. 我其中一件行李不見了。
5. Where is the baggage claim counter for United Airlines?聯合航空的行李領取櫃檯在哪?
6. I’d like to file a missing luggage report/lost luggage claim.我想要提出行李遺失申訴。
7. Can I see your baggage claim ticket, please?
8. Please contact me at this number if my luggage is found.
9. It appears that your luggage has been delayed.
10. What is your reimbursement policy?
A User’s Guide 知識補充 行李遺失怎麼辦?

為避免找不到行李,你可以在行李上放上「名牌」 name tag,或貼貼紙識別。如果在「行李轉盤」 baggage carousel 上怎樣都找不到行李,就可能是 行李延誤或遺失,此時可以拿「行李存根」baggage claim tag 到「行李領取中心」baggage claim office/ counter/center 尋求幫忙。若是行李在運送過程中受 到碰撞或擠壓,也可以到行李招領中心「申請損害 賠償」file a claim,不過請在 24 小時內提出申請。 航空公司也推出 app 服務,可即時追蹤行李,旅客 再也不用擔心找不到行李。

Currency Exchange兌換外幣

Customer: I’d like to exchange U.S. dollars for renminbi. What’s the exchange rate?
Attendant: The current exchange rate is 6.6 renminbi to the dollar.
Customer: OK. I’d like to change 800 dollars.
Attendant: All right. That comes to 5,280 renminbi. Please remember to keep your receipt if you want to change your remaining renminbi back to dollars.
乘客 我想把美金換成人民幣,匯率是多少?
服務員 現在匯率是六塊六人民幣兌一美元。
乘客 好的,我要換 800 美元。
服務員 沒問題。這邊是 5280 元人民幣,如果你想把剩餘的人民幣換回美

Common Phrases|兌幣,你要會說

1. What is the exchange rate for NT dollars to British pounds?
2. Is there a service fee for changing money?
3. I’ll need to see your passport, please. 麻煩出示你的護照。
4. What is the minimum amount of money I can change?
5. Could I have a receipt, please? 可以麻煩給我收據嗎?
6. Where else in the city can I exchange money?
7. Do you accept traveler’s checks? 你們有收旅行支票嗎?
8. Can I use my ATM card / debit card to withdraw local currency?
9. Where can I find the best exchange rate?
10. Is it possible to exchange NT dollars in Thailand?

Useful Pattern|離開機場最後確認,就這麼說

Where is the____________ ?( 在哪裡?)
tax refund counter 退稅櫃檯
lost and found 失物招領處
wheelchair rental counter 輪椅租借處
Internet lounge 上網區
tourist information center 旅客諮詢處
ATM 自動提款機
currency exchange 匯兌所
car rental counter 租車中心
bus stop 公車站
taxi stand 計程車招呼站
subway station 地鐵站

本文授權自/EZ叢書館 《海外生活會話指南:EZ TALK 總編嚴選特刊