延續之前的簡單好用片語系列,這次還要再帶給大家另外7個常用片語,雖然看似簡單,但你知道所有的意思嗎? (從影片55分鐘開始)
1. Look out 小心/注意
The oven is about to explode, look out! 小心!烤箱快爆炸了!
My little brother is arriving today. Could you look out for him arriving and give me a shout when he does? 我弟今天會來,可以請你替我注意大門,等他出現的時候叫我嗎?
2. Put down 放下/安樂死(動物)
This is very heavy. Could I put it down for a moment? 這個東西好重,我可以暫時把它放下嗎?
I’m afraid your dog is too sick to operate on, so we must put him down. 很遺憾,你的狗已經病得太重,恐怕無法撐過手術,我們只能將牠安樂死。
3. Put on 穿上/假裝
Put your coat on. It’s freezing outside. 把大衣穿上吧,外面冷的要命。
Stop putting on that silly voice. Speak normally. 不要再用那可笑的假音講話了,說話正常一點。
4. Turn on 打開(電源)/使興奮(跟性有關)
Turn on the lights and computer please. 請將燈跟電腦都打開。
His accent really turned her on. 光是聽到他的口音就讓她全身一陣酥麻。
5. Turn off 關閉/使沒興趣 (完全與turn on相反)
Remember to turn off the lights. 記得關燈。
His laugh really turns me off. 他的笑聲真的會讓我瞬間對他印象扣分。
6. Warm up 使暖和/暖身
Turn up the heating. We need to warm up the house. 把暖氣打開,我們要讓整個家都溫暖起來。
It is very important to warm up properly before exercising. 運動前一定要好好做暖身操。
7. Work out 想辦法解決、開始了解/健身
I need to work out how to get my wardrobe to my new flat. 我要想辦法將我的衣櫥搬到新家。
I had a great work out this morning at the gym. 今天早上在健身房的運動讓我全身舒暢。