英文語意| Might vs May




Might vs May

1. Both are used to ask for permission 兩者都可以表示「請求許可」(might較少見)

May I use your bathroom? 我可以借個廁所嗎?
Might I trouble you for a pen? 可以跟你借一枝筆嗎?

2. Both are used to express possibility. 兩者都可表示「可能性」,但程度不同

I may cycle to work tomorrow. 我明天可能會騎腳踏車去上班。
We may have dinner with my parents this weekend. 我們這周末可能會和我爸媽一起吃晚餐。

We should buy a lottery ticket, we might win. 我們應該來買個樂透,可能會中呢!
If you had waited for five more minutes, your date might have turned up. 如果當時你再多等個5分鐘,你的約會對象搞不好就出現了。

3. Might當作may的過去式

I may win the tennis competition. I might have won last year if I had trained harder. 我有很大的機率可以贏得今年的網球賽,要是我去年再努力一點,我可能就會贏了。