高階英文| 10個高階英文單字




1. Parlay 成功展示

She parlayed her camera skills and a year of hard work into a thriving English youtube channel. 她成功將她的攝影技能與一年的努力變成一個熱門的youtube頻道。

2. Pother 騷動

My son has a habit of creating a pother among the young ladies wherever he goes. 我兒子走到哪都可以引起年輕女孩的騷動。

3. Valetudinarian 過度擔心健康的人

Some say that English people are a nation of valetudinarians. If I were well enough I would argue that. 有些人說英國人就是過度擔心健康。如果我身體有感覺好一點,我會反駁的。

4. Cenacle (有相同目標、喜好的)一群人(ex:讀書會)、家裡餐廳

We rejoice when we are joined by other cenacles from the local area to work towards a common goal. 我們很高興當地的同伴們可以加入我們,一起朝共同目標邁進。

5. Hypermnesia 記憶增強

Our concern is whether hypnosis induced hypermnesia has long term effects on the subject. 我們擔心催眠所引起的記憶增強效果會對受試者產生長期影響。

6. Legerdemain 花招

Mediums were made to insert their hands in shoe boxes during seances, to prevent any sly legerdemain. 在降靈儀式中,靈媒會被要求將雙手放進鞋盒中以防他們耍花招。

7. Vibrissae 觸鬚

They also have large vibrissae, stiff whisker-like hairs above the upper lip and at the corners of the mouth. 在他們的上嘴唇上方與嘴巴四角還有很大的觸鬚。

8. Cantle 鞍尾

9. Aestivation 夏眠

It is very rare to spot a moth during its aestivation period. 當蛾在夏眠時,你很難看到牠們的蹤影。

10. Myrmidon 狂熱信徒

A tyrannical dictator is nothing without his myrmidons. 若沒有狂熱信徒,一個霸權獨裁的人便什麼都不是了。