英文片語| 與秋天有關的10個片語




1. Autumn Years 人生晚年

2. Shaking like a leaf 冷到發抖

You look cold. You’re shaking like a leaf. 你感覺好冷,都在發抖了。

3. That old chestnut 老調重彈(一個已經聽了很多遍的故事)

4. Drive sb. nuts 很惱人

It drives me nuts when people are constantly clicking their pen. 人們一直在按筆發出的喀擦聲真的很惱人。

5. Under the weather 不舒服(很輕微的症狀)

I’m feeling a bit under the weather. 我有點不舒服。

6. Squirrel away 儲藏(像松鼠把堅果搬去儲藏一樣)

Jane was squirreling away her money all summer until she could afford her winter break. Jane整個暑假都在存錢,直到她終於有足夠的錢讓她好好享受寒假。

7. Save it for a rainy day 有備無患、以備不時之需

8. Turn over a new leaf 新開始

9. Take a leaf out of somebody else’s book 參考別人

10. Raining cats and dogs 下大雨