英文 Through 用法有哪些? Through 的 9 種中文意思與用法

Through 中文意思是? Through 在句子中的9種不同英文用法


“Through” 這個英文單字有通過、經過的意思。Let’s talk的Ceema老師,整理出了”Through”在英文句子中的9種不同用法,並且列舉例句做說明,快來練習一下”through”的各種使用方法,讓你的會話和寫作功力都更加流利吧!

Through 用法1. 越過、穿過(從一點到另外一點)

Through 本身有穿越、穿過的意思。

I drove through the city last night. 我昨晚開車穿過了這個城市。

Through 用法2. 通過(通道)

ex. This is a side road through the forest. 這是一條可以通過森林的小路。

Through 用法3. 經手、通過(療程或程序等)

ex. The matter went through the manager’s hand. 這事情由經理經手。

Through 用法4. 血緣上的聯繫

ex. We are cousins through our parents. 我們是表兄弟。

Through 用法5. 傳播新聞、消息的方式

ex. I got to know the good news through your wife. 我透過你老婆知道了這個好消息。

Through 用法6. 經歷

ex. I went through a torture yesterday while I was writing my test. 我昨天在寫我的測試時真是受盡了折磨。

Through 用法7. 某個時期,一段時間

ex. I am at work Monday through Saturday. 我從禮拜一工作到禮拜六。

Through 用法8. 某段過程

ex. I could not stop laughing all through the movie. 整場戲我從頭笑到尾,完全停不下來。

Through 用法9. 因為,由於(某個人事物)

ex. It was all through her we lost our money. 都是因為她,我們才損失了金錢。





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