

《English with Lucy》的Lucy分享了7個提升英文聽力的方法,還分享了語音學的技巧。除了讓我們對外國了解更多,也能增加一項技能(英文聽力),趕快學起來,提升自己的英文聽力吧!

1. Variety 多樣化

You are going to meet people from all over the world with all different accents, and you’re going to need to understand them.

2. How much time do you actually dedicate to practicing and improving your listening?

Practice makes perfect. 孰能生巧

It takes time and dedication, and it’s called a skill because for a reason is something that you have to develop.

3. Resources 資源

Watching TV programs or movies in English, it’s great. But I think you can take a step further.

What I recommend you to do to take your listening to the next level is watch each program or movie twice. It’s probably more achievable with programs, short ones.
Lucy也推薦影集Friends(美式英語American English)或是BBC頻道的news

I want you to watch it first with no subtitles, see how much you can understand.

4. Audio books 有聲書

Pick a book that is interesting and relevant to you.

Judge it by your level, if you are quite a low-level, choose a children’s book. For more intermediate maybe go something like teenagers, and if you are advanced, obviously go for something aimed to adults or maybe has a lot of technical language.



If you click the link in the description box, you can get a free audio book and a 30-day trial. 如果你點網站中的說明連結join now,你就能獲得一本免費有聲書和30天試用。

5. Multi task 多元化練習

Unlike reading or watching TV, listening is something you can do whilst you do something else.

6. Do not translate 別翻譯!

Something I always say on my students is their fluency over accuracy.

7. Learn speech patterns 學習說話模式

English is not a phonetic language and we don’t always follow our own pronunciation rules.

Lucy建議學學Homophones 同音異義字,來增加自己的字彙量

舉例:Bare (赤裸的) 跟Bear (熊)

此外,她還提到Minimal pairs 最小對立體,也就是母音不同的兩個幾乎相近單字。

例如:Ship /ʃɪp/ 船(短音)跟Sheep /ʃiːp/ 羊(長音) ,因為音標的i是長音,而ɪ是短音。

Weak forms 弱形式,相較之下就有Strong forms 強形式

At Weak forms /ət/ Strong forms /æt/

Schwa /ʃwɑː/ 也就是音標ə

Lucy也解釋,如果在對話中,I’ll meet you at three o’clock. 她會用Weak forms。

Reduction 減字


Contractions 縮略

I will -> I’ll
I am -> I’m
She would -> she’d
