The National September 11 Memorial & Museum 九一一國家紀念博物館


Located at the World Trade Center on the site where the Twin Towers once stood, the 9/11 Memorial was built to honor the nearly 3,000 victims who died in the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. The Memorial consists of two square reflecting pools where the Twin Towers once stood, surrounded by a plaza filled with over 400 white oak trees, as well as the Survivor Tree—a pear tree that remained standing after the attacks. The pools are surrounded by large waterfalls, and at the edges are bronze plates with the names of all the victims. Between the pools is the entrance the underground 9/11 Memorial Museum, which contains exhibits on the destruction and loss of life caused by the attacks.



1. reflecting (a.)(造成)反射的(v.)reflect 反射,反映
2. plaza (n.)廣場
3. bronze (a./n.)青銅製的,青銅色的;青銅(色)
4. destruction (n.)毀滅,破壞

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