【英文字彙】25 個人們最常用的英文動詞!



有人說我們背了1000個單字,可是真正拿來用的可能不到其中300個。因此有語言學家利用了語料庫,整理出人們最常用的25個動詞,而英文老師 Alex 在 Engvid 上公佈了這個動詞清單,好讓大家能夠一目了然這幾個高使用率的動詞!

01. be

三態:be, am are, is / was, were / been

e.g She is a fantastic writer.


e.g They were home all day yesterday.


e.g I have been re-reading Harry Potter lately.


02. have

三態:have, has / had / had

e.g He has two brothers.


e.g He had a great time last night.


e.g I’m having a cup of coffee.


03. do

三態:do, does / did / done

e.g Have you done your homework?


e.g I’ll do the laundry later.


e.g I did well on my test.


04. go

go / went / gone

e.g Where did you go last night?


e.g We’re going to Niagara Falls this weekend.


e.g See you later! I’m going home!”


05. say

三態:say / said / said

e.g Wait. What did she say?


e.g You said I could trust you!


e.g Don’t say anything.


06. get

三態:get / got / got(英式), gotten(美式)

e.g He got a new job!


e.g You should get new shoes.


e.g I think I’m getting a headache.


07. make

三態:make / made / made

e.g We’ve made some mistakes.


e.g The kids are making a lot of noise.


e.g Look! I made a model car!


08. know

三態:know / knew / known

e.g I don’t know your name.


e.g We’ve known each other for 8 years.


e.g Hey. Do you know who this is?


09. think

三態:think / thought / thought

e.g What do you think about this?


e.g She’ll think this is a terrible idea.


e.g Let me think about that for a minute.


10. see

三態:see / saw / seen

e.g I’ll see you later.


e.g Has anyone seen Jack today?


e.g Have you seen this video?


11. take

三態:take / took / taken

e.g She’s taking a philosophy class this semester.

e.g I would never take anything from him!


e.g I’m going to take a shower.


12. come

三態:come / came / come

e.g He had never come later before.


e.g Hey. Mariana is coming over later.


e.g Wait for me! I’m coming!


13. want

三態:want / wanted / wanted

e.g Come on. What do you want for your birthday?


e.g I’ve always wanted to have a dog.


e.g Who wants to see Star Wars again?


14. use

三態:use / used / used

e.g I’ve never used this before.


e.g Have you ever used this before?


e.g What do you use this for?


15. find

三態:find / found / found

e.g Did you find the restaurant?


e.g Have they found life on Mars yet?


e.g I can’t find my keys.


16. give

三態:give / gave / given

e.g She’ll be given her diploma tomorrow.


e.g Who gave you that pen?


e.g I’ll give this to you if you promise to give it back.


17. tell

三態:tell / told / told

e.g I won’t tell your secret to anyone. I swear.


e.g Tell her the truth!


e.g Wait. What did you tell your mom about me?


18. work

三態:work / worked / worked

e.g Where do you work?


e.g She has worked here since 2014.


e.g How does this thing work?


19. call

三態:call / called / called

e.g I’ll call you after work.


e.g Your mom called while you were out.


e.g Hey. Did you just call me?


20. ask

三態:ask / asked / asked

e.g Don’t be afraid to ask questions.


e.g She asked where I lived.


e.g You can ask me anything.


21. try

三態:try / tried / tried

e.g I’m trying to find a new job.


e.g She’s been trying to contact me.


e.g Have you tried learning English on YouTube?

(你有沒有試過在 YouTube 上學英文?)

22. need

三態:need / needed / needed

e.g He needs help with his homework.


e.g Do you need anything from the store?


e.g I need a vacation.


23. feel

三態:feel / felt / felt

e.g Caroline’s been feeling down lately


e.g I haven’t felt this way in a long time.


e.g You need to feel this material!


24. become

三態:become / became / become

e.g She became President in 2010.


e.g We’re becoming close friends.


e.g You’ve become a better English speaker!


25. leave

三態:leave / left / left

e.g When are you leaving?


e.g She leaves at 4 am everyday.


e.g I really need to leave.

