




1. 慣用語 Idioms

(1) In the loop 在參與機密的智囊團內、接近權力核心、在某個圈子裡面
(2) In two minds 三心二意、舉棋不定、猶豫不決
(3) In hot water 處於困境或水深火熱當中
(4) In no time 很快、立刻
(5) On a mission 帶著使命執行任務
(6) On my own 獨自地、獨立地
(7) On good terms with 和……關係良好
(8) On second thought 進一步考慮後、重新思考後、轉念一想

2. 練習

(1) Who are you going to vote for? I’m _______.
(2) The boss found out he lied. He’s _______.
(3) It won’t be long. I’ll be back _______.
(4) Ask John what happened. He’ll know. He’s _______.
(5) Will someone be joining you? No, I’m _______.
(6) He’s _______ to change the world.
(7) We’re _______ our neighbors.
(8) ________, I decided not to go out tonight.

3. 解答

(1) In two minds
(2) In hot water
(3) In no time
(4) In the loop
(5) On my own
(6) On a mission
(7) On good terms with
(8) On second thought

